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  • Writer's pictureXandria Cross

How To Meet Your Fitness Goals In 2019

Updated: Dec 31, 2018

Fitness; it always seems to be at the top of everyone’s New Year’s resolution list. Why do our ambitions only seem to last during January and then drop off?

Well, it’s probably because you still have the same mindset attached to workouts that you did last year and the year before that. How can we expect our habits to change if our mindset stays the same? We really can’t, can we. The first week we seem to be doing great because we are riding on the high of a fresh start, but when the new year isn’t so new anymore we begin to see exercise in the same old light. Then we start dreading it and procrastinating until eventually we've fallen off the wagon. So how do we change this cycle so that we’re actually consistent in meeting our goals and loving the process?  I’ve broken it down into three easy steps:

1. Find Your Thing

Fitness is often thought of as running on the treadmill or doing countless reps of difficult exercises. While yes, that works for some people, the rest of us are stuck feeling frustrated that we can’t succeed at something others do with no problem. Well, one of the keys to meeting your fitness goals is to find fitness you love! I know what you’re probably thinking, “How could I love fitness?!” Well, there are so many ways to exercise and you've yet to meet your match.

Here are a list of different ways to exercise you may have yet to try: – Barre classes – Pilates – Yoga – Zumba – Kickboxing – Martial Arts – Dance – Swimming – Walks/Runs in a park – Church Workout classes – Cycling

Some people work better in community. If that’s you, I recommend finding a workout buddy or local classes to attend. Other people work better on their own. Here are some great programs perfect for home workouts: – Nike training club app: tons of free workouts for all levels! – Ballet beautiful: ballet inspired workouts – YouTube: tons of free workout videos are available online – DVDs: there are lots of workout courses on DVD

The best way to find your fit is to try out different things! Local places tend to have trial classes. Online courses also tend to give you a preview of what you will be getting, so it’s easy to experiment and find what makes you come alive! If you’re still struggling try listening to music, podcasts or videos while you workout. This can distract you and make it feel more fun!

2. Fix Your Thoughts

Up until now your thoughts on exercise have probably made it feel like a chore. But what if you could convince yourself it was your favorite thing to do? Well, you may be thinking that’s a bit of a stretch, but here are some things you can do to change your mindset.

Negative to Positive

First, start by changing all your negative thoughts to positive ones. For example, “I hate exercising” changes to “Exercising isn't that bad, and I love the way I feel after!”

“I’m ugly and fat” changes to “I’m thankful for my body, it serves me in many ways!”

“I’ll never lose weight” becomes “I can do anything I put my mind to!”

It all starts in your mind, because what you tell yourself you'll eventually begin to believe.

Start change in your brain and soon your body will follow!

3. Fake It Till You Make ItThe final step of this goal getting process is by far my favorite! Why? Because, you get to be the best possible version of yourself! The dream you, the supermodel, the fit chick that’s inside you! You have to start somewhere, sometime, so why not start here and now! When you get up and look at yourself in the mirror, pick out three things you like and give yourself a complement. When you go to the bathroom at school or work, do it again, and for every negative thought that comes in your head replace it with three good ones. I’m serious! No one is better than you, and no one can make you feel bad about yourself. Only you can do that.

If you need to, find your physical aspiration. Tape a picture to your mirror, and whenever you see it I want you to say, “We are one in the same. Equals, and loved the same by God.”

Like I said, what you tell yourself you will believe. Negative self talk only makes reaching your fitness goals harder. If you love your body, through thick and thin, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health; you’ll make it through the highs and lows “till death do you part”.

One last thing I will say after all that’s covered, is that it never hurts to mix fashion and fitness! So go splurge on some cute yoga pants girl, because a uniform you love never makes the job harder. I actually just bought myself some super cute ones from Fabletics! Use this code to get 2 pairs for $24:

So dear friends, I hope this post helps you as you navigate reaching your 2019 goals! I know you can do it and I wish you the best!

Comment your goals, and keep me updated on your progress because I’d love to encourage you along the way.

You got this!

-XOXO Xandria

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